The binomial form of a complex number is \(a + b i\), where a is the real part, b is the imaginary part, and \(i=\sqrt{-1}\) is the imaginary unit, which is represented in Maxima as %i.
We store in variable u the complex number \(5-3i\),
u: 5-3*%i;
\[ 5-3\,i \]
now we obtain the real part,
\[ 5 \]
and the imaginary part,
\[ -3 \]
If the real and imaginary parts are interpreted as the coordinates of a point on the Euclidean plane, we can represent the complex number graphically. In order to do so, let's define function argand,
load("draw")$ ratprint : false $ argand(z) := block([x,y,r,fr,a,fa,fpprintprec: 3], x: realpart(z), y: imagpart(z), r: abs(z), fr: float(r), a: carg(z), fa: float(a*180/%pi), draw2d( terminal = png, dimensions = [400,400], grid = true, proportional_axes = xy, xaxis = true, yaxis = true, xaxis_type = solid, yaxis_type = solid, xrange = [min(-0.2*fr, 1.3*min(0,x)), max(0.2*fr,1.3*max(0,x))], yrange = [min(-0.2*fr, 1.3*min(0,y)), max(0.2*fr,1.3*max(0,y))], points_joined = true, points([[0,0],[x, y]]), color = black, ellipse(0, 0, 0.1*fr, 0.1*fr, 0, fa), point_type = 'filled_circle, point_size = 2, points([[x,y]]), label([concat("(",float(x),",",float(y),")"), 1.2*x, 1.2*y], [sconcat("arg=",carg(z)), 0.15*fr*cos(a/2), 0.15*fr*sin(a/2)], [sconcat("m=",abs(z)), 0.5*fr*cos(0.9*a), 0.5*fr*sin(a)])) ) $
Now we proceed with the graphical representation of our complex number,
argand(u) $
The resulting plot also shows the argument of the complex number,
\[ -\arctan \left({{3}\over{5}}\right) \]
and its module,
\[ \sqrt{34} \]
These two quantities give rise to the polar form of the complex number,
\[ \sqrt{34}\,e^ {- i\,\arctan \left({{3}\over{5}}\right) } \]
This is the representation of complex number \(\sqrt{2}\,e^{{{i\,\pi}\over{4}}}\), which is in polar form,
v: sqrt(2)*%e^((%i*%pi)/4) $ argand(v) $
The same number in binomial form,
\[ i+1 \]
Some other examples in binomial form:
argand(-3+2/3*%i) $
argand(-4-7*%i) $
Finally, the quotient of u and v,
q: u/v $ rectform(q);
\[ 1-4\,i \]
argand(q) $
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