In case of affine transformations, it's easier to work directly with matrices. First, we need a function to transform a matrix into the required syntax of option transform:
matrix_to_transform_format (m,[vars]) := block([prod, lv: length(vars)], if not member(lv, [2,3]) or not every (atom, vars) or not matrixp(m) or length(m) # length(first (m)) or length(m) # lv + 1 then error("Illegal definition of variables") else prod : m . transpose(endcons(1,vars)), append(makelist(prod[k,1], k, 1, lv), vars) )$
Let's now define some affine 2D transformation matrices:
/* Rotation of angle th */ rotation(th) := matrix([cos(th),-sin(th),0],[sin(th),cos(th),0],[0,0,1])$ /* Scaling with factors k1 and k2 */ scale(k1,k2) := matrix([k1,0,0],[0,k2,0],[0,0,1])$ /* Translation with respect to vector (u,v) */ translation(u,v) := matrix([1,0,u],[0,1,v],[0,0,1]) $ /* Reflection through x-axis */ reflection_x() := matrix([1,0,0],[0,-1,0],[0,0,1])$ /* Reflection through y-axis */ reflection_y() := matrix([-1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1])$ /* Reflection through the straight line which passes through point (p1,p2) with direction vector (u1,u2) */ reflection_line(u1,u2,p1,p2) := block([th:atan2(u2,u1)], translation(p1,p2) . rotation(th) . reflection_x() . rotation(-th) . translation(-p1,-p2)) $
Scaling and rotating a square:
quad : rectangle([1,1],[-1,-1]) $ draw2d( proportional_axes = 'xy, /* original red square */ quad, transform = matrix_to_transform_format ( rotation(%pi/4) . scale(1/3, 1/2),x,y), fill_color = blue, /* transformed blue rectangle */ quad ) $
Reflecting a triangle through an arbitrary axis:
tri : triangle([1,2], [5,5], [3,-1]) $ /* the symmetry axis is the straight line with director vector (3,1) passing through point (0,4), whose equation is y = 4 + x/3 */ draw2d( proportional_axes = xy, line_width = 3, grid = true, tri, explicit(4 + x/3,x,-10,10), transform = matrix_to_transform_format (reflection_line(3,1,0,4),u,v), tri )$
An example in 3D. Rotating a cylinder around an arbitrary axis:
/* Rotation of angle th around axis passing through point p=[p1,p2,p3] with direction vector u=[u1,u2,u3] */ rotation3d(th,u,p) := block([c,s,t,n], c : cos(th), s : sin(th), t : 1 - c, n : u / sqrt(apply("+", u^2)), matrix( [t*n[1]^2+c, t*n[1]*n[2]-s*n[3], t*n[1]*n[3]+s*n[2], p[1] ], [t*n[1]*n[2]+s*n[3], t*n[2]^2+c, t*n[2]*n[3]-s*n[1], p[2] ], [t*n[1]*n[3]-s*n[2], t*n[2]*n[3]+s*n[1], t*n[3]^2+c, p[3] ], [0, 0, 0, 1] ))$ set_draw_defaults( xrange = [-5,5], xlabel = "x", yrange = [-5,5], ylabel = "y", zrange = [-5,5], zlabel = "z", proportional_axes = xyz, xyplane = 0, points_joined = true) $ /* graphic objects */ cylinder : tube(0,3,a,1,a,-2,2) $ rotation_axis : points([[0,1,4],[0,-1,-4]]) $ rotated_cylinders : makelist( gr3d( view = [60,5*k], /* we also rotate our point of view */ rotation_axis, cylinder, /* original cylinder */ transform = matrix_to_transform_format( rotation3d(k*2*%pi/15,[0,1,4],[0,0,0]), x,y,z), color = red, enhanced3d = true, cylinder), k,0,15) $ draw( dimensions = [400,400], delay = 20, terminal = animated_gif, rotated_cylinders )$
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