Once you have opened a Maxima session, load package draw:
load("draw") $
To read the documentation on object bars, write the following sentence:
describe(bars) $
With object bars you can create bars plots and histograms. Arguments are Maxima lists of length three, declaring: the central position on the x-axis, height (positive or negative) and bar width:
draw2d( bars([1,5,0.2],[2,7,0.2],[3,-4,0.1],[4,-2,1],[5,3,1]), xaxis = true, xtics = {["Ford",1],["Opel",2],["Citroen",3], ["Toyota",4],["Teletransportation",5]} ) $
With options fill_color, fill_density and line_width, you can control how to plot bars:
draw2d( key = "Group A", fill_color = blue, fill_density = 0.2, bars([0.8,5,0.4],[1.8,7,0.4],[2.8,-4,0.4]), key = "Group B", fill_color = red, fill_density = 0.6, bars([1.2,4,0.4],[2.2,-2,0.4],[3.2,5,0.4]), xaxis = true) $
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