Once you have opened a Maxima session, load package draw:
load("draw") $
To read the documentation on object elevation_grid, write the following sentence:
describe(elevation_grid) $
Let's plot a matrix:
fpprintprec: 4$ m: apply( matrix, makelist(makelist(random(10.0),k,1,6),i,1,6)) ;
\[ \pmatrix{7.705&1.24&6.964&4.436&2.558&0.01864\cr 3.806&0.7527& 0.9899&8.668&2.724&0.8816\cr 8.917&7.391&3.716&4.948&2.708&2.051\cr 2.265&5.562&9.719&4.845&7.608&0.8649\cr 9.843&0.702&1.369&1.276& 8.361&6.159\cr 2.772&6.818&9.953&1.664&6.357&9.637\cr } \]
draw3d( color = blue, elevation_grid(m,0,0,3,2), xlabel = "x", ylabel = "y", surface_hide = true) $
Color scalars for elevation_grid objects can be especified with respect to the \((x, y)\) coordinates:
m: apply( matrix, makelist(makelist(cos(i^2/80-k/30),k,1,30),i,1,20)) $ draw3d( enhanced3d = [cos(x*y*10),x,y], elevation_grid(m,-1,-1,2,2), xlabel = "x", ylabel = "y")$
Color scalars defined with respect to coordinates \((x, y, z)\):
m: apply( matrix, makelist(makelist(cos(i^2/80-k/30),k,1,30),i,1,20)) $ draw3d( xlabel = "x", ylabel = "y", enhanced3d = [-z,x,y,z], elevation_grid(m,-1,-1,2,2)) $
Scaling and reflecting an elevation_grid object:
m: apply( matrix, makelist(makelist(i+k^2,k,1,30),i,1,20)) $ draw3d( surface_hide = true, elevation_grid(m,0,0,3,2), color = red, transform = [2*u,v/2,-w,u,v,w], elevation_grid(m,0,0,3,2))$
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