Once you have opened a Maxima session, load package draw:
load("draw") $
To read the documentation on object ellipse, write the following sentence:
describe(ellipse) $
An ellipse with a border:
draw2d( proportional_axes = xy, fill_color = sea_green, color = aquamarine, line_width = 6, ellipse(7,6,2,3,0,360))$
A quarter of a circle, starting at 45 degrees:
draw2d( proportional_axes = xy, ellipse(0,0,2,2,45,90))$
Ellipsoidal arcs:
draw2d( line_width = 2, color = black, background_color = cyan, proportional_axes = xy, ellipse(0,0,2,2,45,90), transparent = true, ellipse(3,0,2,2,45,90))$
No border:
draw2d( border = false, fill_color = green, proportional_axes = xy, ellipse(3,0,2,2,0,360))$
Border type:
draw2d( color = blue, line_width = 3, line_type = dashes, fill_color = green, proportional_axes = xy, ellipse(3,0,2,2,0,360))$
Pie chart:
random_color():= block([obase : 16, col : "#"], for i : 1 thru 6 do col : concat(col, block([sz : concat(random(16))], substring(sz, slength(sz)))), col)$ sectorchart(tit, [pairs]):= block([n:length(pairs), items, freqs, degrees, sectors, ini, end:0, conver:float(%pi/180), alpha, hexcolor, numer:true], items: map('first, pairs), freqs: map('second, pairs), degrees: 360.0 * freqs / apply("+", freqs), header:['title = tit, 'xrange = [-1.5,1.5], 'yrange = [-1.5,1.5], 'xtics = false, 'ytics = false ], sectors: makelist((ini: end, end: ini + degrees[i], alpha: ini+degrees[i]/2.0, hexcolor: random_color(), [ fill_color = hexcolor, ellipse(0,0,1.5,1.5,ini,degrees[i]), label([items[i], 1.5*cos(alpha*conver), 1.5*sin(alpha*conver)]), color = black, proportional_axes = xy ]) ,i,1,n), apply(draw2d,append(header,flatten(sectors))) )$ sectorchart( "Population growth rate 1997", ["Belgium",2.3], ["Denmark",3.7], ["Germany",0.6], ["Spain",1.3], ["France",4.0], ["Ireland",11.4], ["Italy",1.8], ["Luxembourg",12.8], ["Nederlands",5.6], ["Austria",0.9], ["Poland",2.3], ["Finland",2.9], ["Sweden",0.4], ["United Kingdom",3.1] )$
Crazy transformation:
elipse : ellipse(0,6,3,2,270,-150)$ th : %pi/2$ draw2d( terminal = eps_color, dimensions = 100*[10,4], proportional_axes ='xy, fill_color = red, transform = [3*cos(th)*x + 4*y + 5, x^2 + 5*cos(th)*y + 5, x, y], elipse, /* the yellow ellipse is the original one, option transform is now set to none */ fill_color = yellow, transform = none, elipse )$
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