Once you have opened a Maxima session, load package draw:
load("draw") $
To read the documentation on object errors, write the following sentence:
describe(errors) $
We set some default options for these examples:
set_draw_defaults ( dimensions = [400, 250], xrange = [0,20], yrange = [-5,10], grid = true ) $
Vertical error bars:
draw2d( error_type = y, errors([[1,2,1], [3,5,3], [10,3,1], [17,6,2]])) $
Horizontal error bars with points joined by segments:
draw2d( points_joined = true, error_type = x, errors([[1,2,1], [3,5,3], [10,3,1], [17,6,2]])) $
Vertical and horizontal colored error bars:
draw2d( error_type = xy, points_joined = true, color = red, errors([[1,2,1,2], [3,5,2,1], [10,3,1,1], [17,6,1/2,2]]))$
Non centered error bars:
draw2d( error_type = xy, points_joined = true, line_width = 2, errors([[1,2,0,1.5,1.5,4], [3,5,2.8,4,4,6], [10,3,7,10.2,0,8], [17,6,15,18,-2,8]])) $
Two samples:
draw2d( error_type = xy, /* 1st sample */ points_joined = true, errors([[1,2,1,2], [3,5,2,1], [10,3,1,1], [17,6,1/2,2]]), /* 2nd sample */ color = red, points_joined = false, errors([[1,8,1/2,1/2], [3,-2,1,1], [10,0,1,1], [15,0,2,1/2]])) $
With boxes, instead of two orthogonal bars. Note that points_joined has no effect with boxes:
draw2d( error_type = boxes, points_joined = true, line_width = 2, color = red, fill_density = 0.5, errors([[1,2,0,1.5,1.5,4], [3,5,2.8,4,4,6], [10,3,9.5,10.2,0.5,4], [17,6,15,18,5,7]])) $
As before, but with joined points:
my_data_and_errors: [[1,2,0,1.5,1.5,4], [3,5,2.8,4,4,6], [10,3,9.5,10.2,0.5,4], [17,6,15,18,5,7]] $ my_data: makelist([first(s), second(s)], s, my_data_and_errors) $ draw2d( /* first, let's plot the segments */ points_joined = true, points(my_data), /* second, error boxes */ error_type = boxes, line_width = 2, color = red, fill_density = 0.5, errors(my_data_and_errors)) $
Plotting boxes behind points:
my_data_and_errors: [[1,2,0,1.5,1.5,4], [3,5,2.8,4,4,6], [10,3,9.5,10.2,0.5,4], [17,6,15,18,5,7]] $ my_data: makelist([first(s), second(s)], s, my_data_and_errors) $ draw2d( /* first, let's plot the boxes */ error_type = boxes, line_width = 2, color = red, fill_density = 0.5, errors(my_data_and_errors), /* second, the segments and the points*/ color = blue, point_size = 2, point_type = up_triangle, points_joined = true, points(my_data) ) $
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