Once you have opened a Maxima session, load package draw:
load("draw") $
To read the documentation on object label, write the following sentence:
describe(label) $
Label in 2D plots:
draw2d( yrange = [0.1,1.4], color = red, label(["Label in red",0,0.3]), color = "#0000ff", label(["Label in blue",0,0.6]), color = light_blue, label(["Label in light-blue",0,0.9], ["Another light-blue",0,1.2]) )$
Label in 3D plots:
draw3d( surface_hide = true, explicit(exp(sin(x)+cos(x^2))-2,x,-3,3,y,-3,3), color = red, label(["UP 1",-2,0,3], ["UP 2",1.5,0,4]), color = blue, label(["DOWN 1",2,0,-3]) )$
Playing with font type and size in x11 terminal:
draw2d( explicit(x^2,x,-1,1), grid = true, font = "Arial", font_size = 20, color = red, label(["Parabola",0,0.3]) )$
Playing with font type and size in PNG terminal:
draw2d( terminal = png, explicit(x^2,x,-1,1), grid = true, font = "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSerifBoldItalic.ttf", font_size = 20, color = red, label(["Parabola",0,0.3]) )$
Playing with font type and size in Postscript terminal:
draw2d( terminal = eps_color, dimensions = 100*[10,10], explicit(x^2,x,-1,1), grid = true, font = "Courier-Oblique", font_size = 20, color = red, label(["Parabola",0,0.3]) )$
It's possible to write greek letters and some basic mathematical symbols in labels and titles. The syntax to be used is described here:
draw2d( dimensions = 100*[12, 8], /* 12 cm x 8 cm */ filled_func = 0, fill_color = cyan, explicit(x^2-x+5, x, 1, 4), filled_func = false, explicit(x^2-x+5, x, -1, 5), color = black, label_alignment = left, label(["f(x) = ({/Symbol a} x^2 + {/Symbol b} x +{/Symbol g})", 1.1, 22], ["A = {/Symbol=30 \\362@_{/=9.6 1}^{/=12 4}} f(x) d x",1.1,19]), yrange = [-1,30], grid = true, terminal = eps_color ) $
Gif animation with greek characters:
set_draw_defaults( xrange = [1,2.5], yrange = [1,3], label_alignment = left )$ greek_word: ["{/Symbol P} ", "{/Symbol u} ", "{/Symbol t} ", "{/Symbol a} ", "{/Symbol g} ", "{/Symbol o} ", "{/Symbol r} ", "{/Symbol a} ", "{/Symbol s} "] $ dynamic_word: makelist( block([word:""], for i:1 thru k do word: concat(word, greek_word[i]), gr2d(label([word,1.3,2]))), k, 1, length(greek_word)) $ draw( delay = 100, file_name = "greek", dimensions = [400, 200], terminal = 'animated_gif, dynamic_word )$
Mathematical expressions in a png file:
draw2d( terminal = png, color = black, explicit(exp(-tau^2/2),tau,0,1), ylabel = "f({/Symbol t})", xlabel = "Time, {/Symbol t}", label(["f({/Symbol t}) = e^{-{/Symbol t}^2/2}",0.3,0.7]) ) $
It is possible to write LaTeX code in titles, labels, axes tics and axes labels when working with terminal = epslatex_standalone:
load(distrib) $ /* This code generates two files: maxima_out.tex and maxima_out-inc.eps */ draw( terminal = epslatex_standalone, dimensions = 100*[12,8], gr2d(title = "Standard Gaussian distribution, $\\Phi(x)$", ylabel = "$\\Phi(x) = \\Pr\\{ X \\leq x\\}$", xtics = {["$\\longleftarrow -\\infty$", -2.5], ["0",0], ["$x=1$",1]}, grid = true, line_width = 2, key = "$\\Phi$", explicit(cdf_normal(x, 0, 1), x, -3, 3), label(["$\\Phi(x)=\\int_{-\\infty}^x \\phi(u) du=\\int_{-\\infty}^x \\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2 \\pi}}e^{-\\frac{u^2}{2}}du$", 0, 0.25]), points_joined = impulses, color = red, line_width = 6, key = "$\\Pr\\{X \\leq 1\\}$", points([[1, cdf_normal(1, 0, 1)]])), gr2d(allocation = [[0.1,0.4], [0.5,0.5]], title = "Gaussian density, $\\phi(x)$", ytics = {["$\\frac{1}{20}$",5/100], ["$\\frac{4}{20}$",20/100], ["$\\frac{7}{20}$",35/100]}, line_width = 2, filled_func = true, fill_color = light_gray, explicit(pdf_normal(x,0,1),x,-3,1), filled_func = false, color = blue, explicit(pdf_normal(x,0,1),x,-3,3) ) ) $ /* Linux command to generate the plot in dvi format */ system("latex maxima_out.tex") $ /* Linux command to generate the plot in Postscript format */ system("dvips maxima_out.dvi -o") $
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