Once you have opened a Maxima session, load package draw:
load("draw") $
To read the documentation on object polar, write the following sentence:
describe(polar) $
Two functions defined in polar coordinates:
draw2d( terminal = eps, dimensions = 100*[10,10], grid = true, nticks = 300, line_type = solid, key = "Rhodonea curve", polar(5*sin(10*theta),theta,0,%pi*2), line_type = dots, key = "Fermat spiral", /* don't write "Fermat's" !! */ polar(sqrt(theta),theta,0,10*%pi), key = "", /* we avoid two equal entries in legend */ polar(-sqrt(theta),theta,0,10*%pi) )$
Option grid = true makes reference to a rectangular grid on the plane. If we are plotting a function in polar coordinates, maybe we prefere a polar grid. In this case, option user_preamble will be of great help:
draw2d( terminal = png, background_color = "#ffff99", dimensions = [400,400], file_name = "polargrid", user_preamble = "set grid;set grid polar", nticks = 200, xrange = [-5,5], yrange = [-5,5], color = red, line_width = 3, title = "Hyperbolic Spiral", polar(10/theta,theta,1,10*%pi) )$
draw2d( terminal = wxt, nticks = 600, polar(exp(cos(t))-2*cos(4*t)+sin(t/12)^5, t, 0, 30) )$
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