Once you have opened a Maxima session, load package draw:
load("draw") $
To read the documentation on object polygon, write the following sentence:
describe(polygon) $
A convex polygon. Vertices are defined with a list of pairs of numbers:
draw2d( fill_color = navy, color = yellow, line_width = 6, proportional_axes = xy, polygon([[1,1],[3,0],[4,5],[0,3]]) )$
Concave polygon:
draw2d( fill_color = navy, color = yellow, line_width = 6, proportional_axes = xy, polygon([[3,3],[3,0],[4,5],[0,3]]) )$
Dotted and transparent star. Vertices are defined with two lists, for abscissas and ordinates:
draw2d( proportional_axes = xy, background_color = brown, transparent = true, line_width = 3, line_type = dots, color = salmon, polygon([0,1,5,1,0,-1,-5,-1], [5,1,0,-1,-5,-1,0,1]) )$
Ten random translations:
poly: polygon([[0,0],[1,1],[3,2],[3,-1]])$ draw2d( makelist( [transform = [x+random(10),y+random(10),x,y], poly], k, 10) )$
Gaussian polygon of ten vertices:
load(distrib)$ draw2d( polygon(random_normal(0,1,10), random_normal(0,1,10)) )$
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