Once you have opened a Maxima session, load package draw:
load("draw") $
To read the documentation on object rectangle, write the following sentence:
describe(rectangle) $
An opaque square:
draw2d( fill_color = gray30, color = yellow, line_width = 6, proportional_axes = xy, xrange = [0,6], yrange = [0,7], rectangle([1,1],[3,3]) )$
Opaque and transparent squares:
draw2d( line_width = 2, rectangle([1,1],[3,5]), transparent = true, rectangle([2,2],[4,7]))$
Ellipses, polygons and rectangles:
draw2d( fill_color = sea_green, color = aquamarine, line_width = 6, polygon([[1,1],[3,0],[4,5],[0,3]]), transparent = true, line_type = dots, color = "dark-yellow", polygon([4,5,7],[6,4,2]), line_type = solid, transparent = false, fill_color = violet, rectangle([-2,-2],[8,-1]), /* opposite vertices */ transparent = true, color = dark_goldenrod, line_width = 1, rectangle([9,4],[2,-1.5]), transparent = false, fill_color = grey80, line_width = 2, ellipse(0,6,3,2,270,-270), /* center (x,y), a, b, start & end in degrees */ transparent = true, color = NaVy, /* down-upper case doesn't matter */ line_width = 3, ellipse(7,6,2,3,30,-90), xrange = [-3,10], yrange = [-3,9] )$
Labels and drawings in 2d:
draw2d( /* the text */ color = blue, font = "Courier-Oblique", font_size = 9, label_alignment = left, label(["En un lugar de la Mancha,",-3,5]), label(["de cuyo nombre no quiero acordarme,",-3,4]), label(["no ha mucho tiempo vivia",-3,3]), label(["un hidalgo ...",-2,2]), /* the author */ label_orientation = vertical, label_alignment = center, color = green, label(["Don Miguel de Cervantes",-4,3.5]), /* lance */ head_type = nofilled, head_angle = 30, color = red, vector([-5,-1],[0,8]), /* arms and legs */ color = green, points_joined = true, point_size = 0, points([[-10,-1],[-9,2],[-8,-1]]), points([[-9,5],[-9,5.1]]), points([[-8,4],[-5,5]]), points([[-10,4],[-11,3],[-10,2.5],[-10.2,2.3]]), /* body */ fill_color = red, rectangle([-10,5],[-8,1.8]), /* head */ transparent = true, ellipse(-9,6.1,1,1,0,360), /* eyes */ point_type = 7, points_joined = false, point_size = 3, points([[-9.5,6.2],[-8.5,6.2]]), /* nose and mouth */ point_size = 0, points_joined = true, points([[-9,6.2],[-9,5.8]]), ellipse(-9,5.8,0.5,0.5,225,90), /* hat */ transparent = false, fill_color = black, border = false, ellipse(-9,7.1,0.8,0.2,0,360), color = black, line_width = 2, points([[-9,7.3],[-9,7.4]]), /* global settings */ xrange = [-12,10], yrange = [-2,8], dimensions = [500,400], terminal = png)$
Scaling and rotation:
/* original rectangle */ rect : rectangle([0,0],[3,1])$ /* rotation angle */ th : 2*%pi/3$ draw2d( proportional_axes = 'xy, fill_color = red, /* original red rectangle */ rect, fill_color = blue, transform = [x*2,-y,x,y], rect, fill_color = yellow, transform = [cos(th)*x - sin(th)*y, sin(th)*x + cos(th)*y, x, y], rect )$
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