Once you have opened a Maxima session, load package draw and then set global variable draw_renderer to vtk:
load("draw") $ draw_renderer: 'vtk $
Despite the fact that it is possible to make animations with VTK, they have not yet been incorporated into the Maxima-VTK interface. We show here how to circumvent this fact and make gif animations with the help of imagemagick:
for d:5 thru 360 step 5 do draw3d( terminal = png, dimensions = [400,400], background_color = cyan, file_name = concat ("cono", add_zeroes(d) ), axis_3d = false, view = [d, d], xu_grid = 70, yv_grid = 70, enhanced3d = [sin(r*s),r,s], cylindrical(z,z,-15,15,a,0,2*%pi), color = gray, opacity = 4/5, parallelogram([30,30,40], [30,-30,50], [-15,30,-35]) )$
The code above creates a sequence of graphics in PNG format. To see an animation of them simply type the following sentence:
system("animate -delay 15 *.png")$
And to build an animated gif file, write
system("convert -delay 15 *.png cono.gif")$
This is the result:
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