Once you have opened a Maxima session, load package draw and then set global variable draw_renderer to vtk:
load("draw") $ draw_renderer: 'vtk $
Explaining latitude and longitude. First, we write function terra:
deg2rad(ang) := float(ang * %pi / 180) $ terra([sitios]) := block([G_lat, tropic, polar, place, lat, lon], tropic: deg2rad(23 + 27/60), polar: deg2rad(66 + 33/60 + 44/3600), G_lat: deg2rad(51 + 28/60 + 38/3600), draw3d( background_color = black, axis_3d = false, color = blue, opacity = 0.6, sphere([0,0,0],1), nticks = 100, opacity = 1, color = white, points_joined = true, point_type = dot, points([[0,0,-1.5], [0,0,1.5]]), /* Greenwich meridian, Equator, Tropics and Polar Circles */ parametric(1.01*cos(t),0,1.01*sin(t),t,0,2*%pi), parametric(1.01*cos(t),1.01*sin(t),0,t,0,2*%pi), line_type = dashes, parametric(1.01*cos(tropic)*cos(t), 1.01*cos(tropic)*sin(t), sin(tropic),t,0,2*%pi), parametric(1.01*cos(tropic)*cos(t), 1.01*cos(tropic)*sin(t), -sin(tropic),t,0,2*%pi), parametric(1.005*cos(polar)*cos(t), 1.005*cos(polar)*sin(t), sin(polar),t,0,2*%pi), parametric(1.005*cos(polar)*cos(t), 1.005*cos(polar)*sin(t), -sin(polar),t,0,2*%pi), /* labels */ color = white, font_size = 0.2, label(["N", 0, 0, 1.1], ["S", 0, 0, -1.3]), font_size = 0.1, label(["Greenwich", cos(G_lat)*1.2, 0, sin(G_lat)*1.2]), line_width = 1, line_type = solid, points([[cos(G_lat)*1.2, 0, sin(G_lat)*1.2], [cos(G_lat), 0, sin(G_lat)]]), color = yellow, line_width = 3, points([[0,0,0], [1, 0, 0]]), font_size = 0.1, /* places */ if length(sitios) > 0 then makelist( (lat: deg2rad(k[2]), lon: deg2rad(k[3]), place: float([cos(lat)*cos(lon), cos(lat)*sin(lon), sin(lat)]), [points([[0,0,0], [place[1]*1.5, place[2]*1.5, place[3]*1.5]]), points([[0,0,0], [place[1], place[2], 0]/sqrt(place[1]^2+place[2]^2)]), parametric(1.01*cos(t)*cos(lon), 1.01*cos(t)*sin(lon), 1.01*sin(t), t,min(0,lat), max(0,lat)), parametric(1.01*cos(t), 1.01*sin(t), 0, t,min(0,lon), max(0,lon)), label([k[1], place[1]*1.5, place[2]*1.5, place[3]*1.5])]), k, sitios) else []))$
Let's call the function without arguments:
terra() $
Now, we define some geographic locations and draw their coordinates:
Beijing: ["Beijing", 39 + 54/60, 116 + 23/60] $ Montevideo: ["Montevideo", -34-53/60, -56-11/60] $ terra(Beijing, Montevideo) $
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