Back to draw-VTK

'draw'-VTK interface:

Once you have opened a Maxima session, load package draw and then set global variable draw_renderer to vtk:

load("draw") $
draw_renderer: 'vtk $

We define here a short script for drawing molecules. The function has four arguments: the names of the atoms, together with their coordinates, the bonds to be plotted, the colors and radius of the atoms, and color and width of the bonds:

molecule(atoms, bonds, adesign, ldesign) :=
    block([col, siz],

        local(col, siz),
        for k in adesign do (
            col[first(k)]: second(k),
            siz[first(k)]: third(k)),
          [  /* bonds */
            color = first(ldesign),
            line_width = second(ldesign),
            line_type = tube,
            point_size = 0,
            points_joined = true,
                     k, bonds),
            points_joined = false,

            /* atoms */
            points_joined = false,
            point_type = sphere,
            makelist([color = col[first(k)],
                             point_size = siz[first(k)],
                             points([rest(k)])], k, atoms)]  )  $

And now let's play with it. This first example is the methane. See the syntax for the atoms, bonds, and atoms and bonds plotting styles. Coordinates are in Angstrom:

methane_atoms: [
    [H,-0.513360,0.889165,-0.363000]] $

methane_bonds: [[1,2], [1,3], [1,4], [1,5]] $

atoms_style: [[O,green,1], [H,white,1/2]] $

bonds_style: [red, 1/10] $

draw3d(molecule(methane_atoms, methane_bonds, atoms_style, bonds_style)) $

A molecule of water. We don't use bonds here (empty list), but atoms radii are now larger:

water_atoms: [
    [O,0.000000,  0.000000,  0.114079],
    [H,0.000000,  0.780362,  -0.456316],
    [H,0.000000,  -0.780362, -0.456316]  ] $
water_bonds: [] $
atoms_style: [[O,navy,2.4], [H,white,1.5]] $
bonds_style: [red, 0.1] $

draw3d(molecule(water_atoms, water_bonds, atoms_style, bonds_style) )$

Two atoms of methanol in a multiplot, with and without bonds:

methanol_atoms: [
    [H,-1.0408,0.8175,0.0000]  ] $
methanol_bonds: [[1,2], [1,3], [1,4], [1,5], [2,6]] $
atoms_style: [[C,green,1], [O,red,3/4], [H,white,1/2]] $
bonds_style: [blue, 0.18] $

    dimensions = [300, 600],
    gr3d(background_color = gray50,
             molecule(methanol_atoms, methanol_bonds, atoms_style, bonds_style)), 
    gr3d(background_color = orange,
            molecule(methanol_atoms, [], atoms_style, bonds_style)))$

Boron trifluoride and benzene in one plot:

/* Boron trifluoride */
boron_trifluoride_atoms: [
    [F,2.335,1.848,3.0]  ] $
boron_trifluoride_links: [] $
boron_trifluoride_atoms_style: [[B,green,1], [F,cyan,1/2]] $
boron_trifluoride_links_style: [red, 0.2] $

/* Benzene */
benzene_atoms: [
    [H,2.15666,1.24515,0.00000] ] $
benzene_links: [[1,3,5,7,9,11,1], [1,2], [3,4],
                [5,6], [7,8], [9,10], [11,12]] $
benzene_atoms_style: [[C,orange,1], [H,white,1/2]] $
benzene_links_style: [red, 0.15] $


                    boron_trifluoride_links_style) )$

Caffeine. Here we plot a partial number of bonds:

[[C, -1.799,   0.022,   0.602],
[N, -1.586,  -0.945,  -0.363],
[C, -2.731,  -1.654,  -0.954],
[C, -0.301,  -1.248,  -0.776],
[C,  0.789,  -0.574,  -0.214],
[C,  0.563,   0.404,   0.763],
[N, -0.728,   0.694,   1.163],
[C, -0.964,   1.720,   2.189],
[N,  1.752,   0.896,   1.139],
[C,  2.729,   0.287,   0.454],
[N,  2.158,  -0.638,  -0.400],
[C,  2.871,  -1.524,  -1.331],
[O, -0.101,  -2.186,  -1.712],
[O, -3.048,   0.309,   0.996],
[H,  3.786,   0.485,   0.553],
[H, -2.947,  -2.544,  -0.368],
[H, -2.491,  -1.941,  -1.976],
[H, -3.601,  -1.000,  -0.955],
[H, -1.088,   2.689,   1.711],
[H, -0.114,   1.756,   2.868],
[H, -1.864,   1.473,   2.748],
[H,  2.981,  -1.026,  -2.293],
[H,  2.305,  -2.444,  -1.462],
[H,  3.855,  -1.757,  -0.929]] $

caffeine_bonds: [
    [1,2], [1,7], [1,14],
    [2,3], [2,4],
/* [3,16], [3,17], [3,18],
    [4,5], [4,13],
    [5,6], [5,11],
    [6,7], [6,9],
    [8,19], [8,20], [8,21], */
    [10,11], [10,15],
    [12,22], [12,23], [12,24]  ] $

atoms_style: [[C,green,1], [N,brown,1/2], [O,yellow,3/4], [H,black,1/3]] $
bonds_style: [cyan, 0.01] $

   axis_3d    = false, 
   molecule(caffeine_atoms, caffeine_bonds, atoms_style,bonds_style) )$

Nanotube. Screenshots from different positions:

[[H,  3.7887837463,  1.2310504983,  -6.8241051525],
[H,  2.3415971110,  3.2229319842,  -6.8241051525],
[H,  -0.0000000327,  3.9837629956,  -6.8241051525],
[H,  -2.3415971639,  3.2229319458,  -6.8241051525],
[H,  -3.7887837665,  1.2310504361,  -6.8241051525],
[H,  -3.7887837463,  -1.2310504983,  -6.8241051525],
[H,  -2.3415971110,  -3.2229319842,  -6.8241051525],
[H,  0.0000000327,  -3.9837629956,  -6.8241051525],
[H,  2.3415971639,  -3.2229319458,  -6.8241051525],
[H,  3.7887837665,  -1.2310504361,  -6.8241051525],
[C,  3.8076800766,  1.2371902884,  -5.7281027302],
[C,  2.3532756853,  3.2390061631,  -5.7281027302],
[C,  -0.0000000329,  4.0036317732,  -5.7281027302],
[C,  -2.3532757385,  3.2390061244,  -5.7281027302],
[C,  -3.8076800969,  1.2371902259,  -5.7281027302],
[C,  -3.8076800766,  -1.2371902884,  -5.7281027302],
[C,  -2.3532756853,  -3.2390061631,  -5.7281027302],
[C,  0.0000000329,  -4.0036317732,  -5.7281027302],
[C,  2.3532757385,  -3.2390061244,  -5.7281027302],
[C,  3.8076800969,  -1.2371902259,  -5.7281027302],
[C,  3.9865457289,  0.0000000327,  -5.0377225142],
[C,  3.2251832243,  2.3432328135,  -5.0377225142],
[C,  1.2319103479,  3.7914303031,  -5.0377225142],
[C,  -1.2319104102,  3.7914302828,  -5.0377225142],
[C,  -3.2251832627,  2.3432327605,  -5.0377225142],
[C,  -3.9865457289,  -0.0000000327,  -5.0377225142],
[C,  -3.2251832243,  -2.3432328135,  -5.0377225142],
[C,  -1.2319103479,  -3.7914303031,  -5.0377225142],
[C,  1.2319104102,  -3.7914302828,  -5.0377225142],
[C,  3.2251832627,  -2.3432327605,  -5.0377225142],
[C,  3.9845747152,  0.0000000327,  -3.5890478179],
[C,  3.2235886408,  2.3420742807,  -3.5890478179],
[C,  1.2313012713,  3.7895557577,  -3.5890478179],
[C,  -1.2313013335,  3.7895557375,  -3.5890478179],
[C,  -3.2235886792,  2.3420742278,  -3.5890478179],
[C,  -3.9845747152,  -0.0000000327,  -3.5890478179],
[C,  -3.2235886408,  -2.3420742807,  -3.5890478179],
[C,  -1.2313012713,  -3.7895557577,  -3.5890478179],
[C,  1.2313013335,  -3.7895557375,  -3.5890478179],
[C,  3.2235886792,  -2.3420742278,  -3.5890478179],
[C,  3.7886931714,  1.2310210688,  -2.8732875320],
[C,  2.3415411327,  3.2228549367,  -2.8732875320],
[C,  -0.0000000327,  3.9836677596,  -2.8732875320],
[C,  -2.3415411856,  3.2228548982,  -2.8732875320],
[C,  -3.7886931916,  1.2310210066,  -2.8732875320],
[C,  -3.7886931714,  -1.2310210688,  -2.8732875320],
[C,  -2.3415411327,  -3.2228549367,  -2.8732875320],
[C,  0.0000000327,  -3.9836677596,  -2.8732875320],
[C,  2.3415411856,  -3.2228548982,  -2.8732875320],
[C,  3.7886931916,  -1.2310210066,  -2.8732875320],
[C,  3.7912985860,  1.2318676193,  -1.4355100990],
[C,  2.3431513674,  3.2250712347,  -1.4355100990],
[C,  -0.0000000327,  3.9864072546,  -1.4355100990],
[C,  -2.3431514204,  3.2250711962,  -1.4355100990],
[C,  -3.7912986062,  1.2318675571,  -1.4355100990],
[C,  -3.7912985860,  -1.2318676193,  -1.4355100990],
[C,  -2.3431513674,  -3.2250712347,  -1.4355100990],
[C,  0.0000000327,  -3.9864072546,  -1.4355100990],
[C,  2.3431514204,  -3.2250711962,  -1.4355100990],
[C,  3.7912986062,  -1.2318675571,  -1.4355100990],
[C,  3.9873938658,  0.0000000327,  -0.7180431612],
[C,  3.2258693815,  2.3437313359,  -0.7180431612],
[C,  1.2321724367,  3.7922369292,  -0.7180431612],
[C,  -1.2321724989,  3.7922369090,  -0.7180431612],
[C,  -3.2258694200,  2.3437312829,  -0.7180431612],
[C,  -3.9873938658,  -0.0000000327,  -0.7180431612],
[C,  -3.2258693815,  -2.3437313359,  -0.7180431612],
[C,  -1.2321724367,  -3.7922369292,  -0.7180431612],
[C,  1.2321724989,  -3.7922369090,  -0.7180431612],
[C,  3.2258694200,  -2.3437312829,  -0.7180431612],
[C,  3.9873938658,  0.0000000327,  0.7180431612],
[C,  3.2258693815,  2.3437313359,  0.7180431612],
[C,  1.2321724367,  3.7922369292,  0.7180431612],
[C,  -1.2321724989,  3.7922369090,  0.7180431612],
[C,  -3.2258694200,  2.3437312829,  0.7180431612],
[C,  -3.9873938658,  -0.0000000327,  0.7180431612],
[C,  -3.2258693815,  -2.3437313359,  0.7180431612],
[C,  -1.2321724367,  -3.7922369292,  0.7180431612],
[C,  1.2321724989,  -3.7922369090,  0.7180431612],
[C,  3.2258694200,  -2.3437312829,  0.7180431612],
[C,  3.7912985860,  1.2318676193,  1.4355100990],
[C,  2.3431513674,  3.2250712347,  1.4355100990],
[C,  -0.0000000327,  3.9864072546,  1.4355100990],
[C,  -2.3431514204,  3.2250711962,  1.4355100990],
[C,  -3.7912986062,  1.2318675571,  1.4355100990],
[C,  -3.7912985860,  -1.2318676193,  1.4355100990],
[C,  -2.3431513674,  -3.2250712347,  1.4355100990],
[C,  0.0000000327,  -3.9864072546,  1.4355100990],
[C,  2.3431514204,  -3.2250711962,  1.4355100990],
[C,  3.7912986062,  -1.2318675571,  1.4355100990],
[C,  3.7886931714,  1.2310210688,  2.8732875320],
[C,  2.3415411327,  3.2228549367,  2.8732875320],
[C,  -0.0000000327,  3.9836677596,  2.8732875320],
[C,  -2.3415411856,  3.2228548982,  2.8732875320],
[C,  -3.7886931916,  1.2310210066,  2.8732875320],
[C,  -3.7886931714,  -1.2310210688,  2.8732875320],
[C,  -2.3415411327,  -3.2228549367,  2.8732875320],
[C,  0.0000000327,  -3.9836677596,  2.8732875320],
[C,  2.3415411856,  -3.2228548982,  2.8732875320],
[C,  3.7886931916,  -1.2310210066,  2.8732875320],
[C,  3.9845747152,  0.0000000327,  3.5890478179],
[C,  3.2235886408,  2.3420742807,  3.5890478179],
[C,  1.2313012713,  3.7895557577,  3.5890478179],
[C,  -1.2313013335,  3.7895557375,  3.5890478179],
[C,  -3.2235886792,  2.3420742278,  3.5890478179],
[C,  -3.9845747152,  -0.0000000327,  3.5890478179],
[C,  -3.2235886408,  -2.3420742807,  3.5890478179],
[C,  -1.2313012713,  -3.7895557577,  3.5890478179],
[C,  1.2313013335,  -3.7895557375,  3.5890478179],
[C,  3.2235886792,  -2.3420742278,  3.5890478179],
[C,  3.9865457289,  0.0000000327,  5.0377225142],
[C,  3.2251832243,  2.3432328135,  5.0377225142],
[C,  1.2319103479,  3.7914303031,  5.0377225142],
[C,  -1.2319104102,  3.7914302828,  5.0377225142],
[C,  -3.2251832627,  2.3432327605,  5.0377225142],
[C,  -3.9865457289,  -0.0000000327,  5.0377225142],
[C,  -3.2251832243,  -2.3432328135,  5.0377225142],
[C,  -1.2319103479,  -3.7914303031,  5.0377225142],
[C,  1.2319104102,  -3.7914302828,  5.0377225142],
[C,  3.2251832627,  -2.3432327605,  5.0377225142],
[C,  3.8076800766,  1.2371902884,  5.7281027302],
[C,  2.3532756853,  3.2390061631,  5.7281027302],
[C,  -0.0000000329,  4.0036317732,  5.7281027302],
[C,  -2.3532757385,  3.2390061244,  5.7281027302],
[C,  -3.8076800969,  1.2371902259,  5.7281027302],
[C,  -3.8076800766,  -1.2371902884,  5.7281027302],
[C,  -2.3532756853,  -3.2390061631,  5.7281027302],
[C,  0.0000000329,  -4.0036317732,  5.7281027302],
[C,  2.3532757385,  -3.2390061244,  5.7281027302],
[C,  3.8076800969,  -1.2371902259,  5.7281027302],
[H,  3.7887837463,  1.2310504983,  6.8241051525],
[H,  2.3415971110,  3.2229319842,  6.8241051525],
[H,  -0.0000000327,  3.9837629956,  6.8241051525],
[H,  -2.3415971639,  3.2229319458,  6.8241051525],
[H,  -3.7887837665,  1.2310504361,  6.8241051525],
[H,  -3.7887837463,  -1.2310504983,  6.8241051525],
[H,  -2.3415971110,  -3.2229319842,  6.8241051525],
[H,  0.0000000327,  -3.9837629956,  6.8241051525],
[H,  2.3415971639,  -3.2229319458,  6.8241051525],
[H,  3.7887837665,  -1.2310504361,  6.8241051525]] $

[127,137],[128,138],[129,139],[130,140]] $

atoms_style: [[C,green,1], [H,white,1/2]] $
bonds_style: [blue, 0.1] $

draw3d(molecule(nt_atoms, bonds, atoms_style, bonds_style) )$
mol6 mol7 mol8

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