Once you have opened a Maxima session, load package draw and then set global variable draw_renderer to vtk:
load("draw") $ draw_renderer: 'vtk $
To read the documentation on object parametric_surface, write the following sentence:
describe(parametric_surface) $
Two parametric surfaces painted with different palettes:
draw3d( palette = [32,-27,4], enhanced3d = u^2+v^2, parametric_surface(u,v,u+v,u,-1,1,v,-1,1), palette = gray, transform = [1+2*u, 1-3*v, 1+t^2, u, v, t], parametric_surface(u,v,u+v,u,-1,1,v,-1,1) )$
A torus and a partially transparent sphere. We have here also an example of a user defined palette; note that each color in the palette has an associated opacity coefficient:
draw3d( enhanced3d = sin(u)+cos(v), palette = [8,4,3], parametric_surface( sin(u)+.5*sin(u)*cos(v), .5*sin(v), cos(u)+.5*cos(u)*cos(v), u, -%pi, %pi, v, -%pi, %pi), palette = [[red, 1], [orange, 1], [cyan, 1], [navy, 0.7], [brown, 0.6], [black, 0.2]], enhanced3d = v, parametric_surface( 2*cos(u)*sin(v), 2*sin(u)*sin(v), 2*cos(v), u, 0, 2*%pi, v, 0,%pi) ) $
Turritella sp. We have removed the axes with option axis_3d and fixed the point of view with view:
draw3d( axis_3d = false, xu_grid = 100, yv_grid = 25, view = [100,20], color = white, parametric_surface( 0.5*u*cos(u)*(cos(v)+1), 0.5*u*sin(u)*(cos(v)+1), u*sin(v) - ((u+3)/8*%pi)^2 - 20, u, 0, 13*%pi, v, -%pi, %pi) )$
Three surfaces with the same coloring pattern but different palettes. One of the surfaces is transparent:
draw3d( enhanced3d = [sin(u^2+v^2),u,v], palette = color, /* default */ parametric_surface(u,cos(v),u+v,u,-3,3,v,-3,3), palette = gray, parametric_surface(u,cos(v)+4,u+v+2,u,-3,3,v,-3,3), palette = [15, 3, -25], opacity = 0.7, parametric_surface(u,cos(v)+8,u+v+4,u,-3,3,v,-3,3) )$
wired_surface with a solid color. This option is local in the VTK interface, but global in Gnuplot:
draw3d( wired_surface = true, color = yellow, parametric_surface(3*sin(v), u,u*v,u,0,5,v,0,5), wired_surface = false, enhanced3d = true, parametric_surface(3*sin(v)+5, u,u*v,u,0,5,v,0,5))$
Mandelbrot projection:
load(fractals)$ draw3d( xu_grid = 200, yv_grid = 200, enhanced3d = ['mandelbrot_set(u-%pi,v-%pi/2),u,v], parametric_surface( cos(u)*sin(v), sin(u)*sin(v), cos(v), u, 0, 2*%pi, v, 0, %pi))$
The Klein bottle:
x1:6*cos(u)*(1+sin(u)) + 4*(1-0.5*cos(u))*cos(u)*cos(v) $ x2:6*cos(u)*(1+sin(u)) - 4*(1-0.5*cos(u))*cos(v) $ y1:16*sin(u)+4*(1-0.5*cos(u))*sin(u)*cos(v) $ y2:16*sin(u) $ z1:4*(1-0.5*cos(u))*sin(v) $ x : if u<%pi then x1 else x2 $ y : if u<%pi then y1 else y2 $ z : z1; draw3d( enhanced3d=true, parametric_surface(x,y,z,u,0,2*%pi,v,0,2*%pi) )$
Harmonic 3D function. Thanks to Edward Montague for this nice example:
m0 : 4$ m1 : 3$ m2 : 2$ m3 : 3$ m4 : 6$ m5 : 2$ m6 : 6$ m7 : 4$ eq1: (sin(m0*phi)**m1 + cos(m2*phi)**m3 + sin(m4*theta)**m5 + cos(m6*theta)**m7)$ define(r(theta,phi),eq1)$ r(theta,phi) $ x(theta,phi):=r(theta,phi)*sin(phi) *cos(theta)$ y(theta,phi):=r(theta,phi)*cos(phi)$ z(theta,phi):=r(theta,phi)*sin(phi)*sin(theta)$ draw3d( enhanced3d = true, palette = color , xu_grid = 200, yv_grid = 200, parametric_surface( x(theta,phi) , y(theta,phi) , z(theta,phi) , theta, 0,2*%pi, phi, 0, %pi ) ) $
Another example from the same author:
AA:0.95$ A1:-AA$ A2:-AA$ A3:-AA$ B1:AA$ B2:AA$ B3:AA$ eq:exp(-%i*%pi*2*(u*x+v*y+w*z))$ eq1:integrate(eq,x,A1,B1)$ eq2:integrate(eq1,y,A2,B2)$ eq3:integrate(eq2,z,A3,B3)$ eq4:realpart(eq3)$ eq4:radcan(eq4)$ eqd:denom(eq4)$ eqn:num(eq4)$ eq4:eqn/(eqd+0.0000001)$ eq5:imagpart(eq3)$ eq5:radcan(eq5)$ eqd:denom(eq5)$ eqn:num(eq5)$ eq5:eqn/(eqd+0.0000001)$ eq7:sqrt(eq4*eq4+eq5*eq5)$ equ:(sin(phi)*cos(theta))$ eqv:(cos(phi))$ eqw:(sin(phi)*sin(theta))$ es1:subst(equ, u, eq7)$ es2:subst(eqv,v,es1)$ es3:subst(eqw,w,es2)$ Pi:ev(%pi,numer)$ es3:subst(Pi,%pi,es3)$ define(r(theta,phi),es3)$ kill(x,y,z)$ x(theta,phi):=r(theta,phi)*sin(phi) *cos(theta)$ y(theta,phi):=r(theta,phi)*cos(phi)$ z(theta,phi):=r(theta,phi)*sin(phi)*sin(theta)$ compile(r,x,y,z)$ draw3d( enhanced3d = true, palette = color , xu_grid = 200, yv_grid = 200, parametric_surface( x(theta,phi) , y(theta,phi) , z(theta,phi) , theta, 0,2*Pi, phi, 0, Pi ) ) $
Isolines on a parametric_surface. Also here, we play with isolines and enhanced3d:
draw3d( enhanced3d = [x*y*x,x,y,z], isolines = sin(u*v), line_width = 4, parametric_surface(cos(u)*cos(v), cos(u)*sin(v), 1+sin(u), u,0,%pi,v,0,%pi))$
The colored textures originated by enhanced3d is generally lost when exported to a 3D format and then embedded in a html document. In this example, the Moebius band is drawn and exported to a VRML file, the result is then explored with the whitedune viewer:
draw3d( axis_3d = false, file_name = "moebius", terminal = vrml, enhanced3d = [sin(x+y*z)/50,x,y,z], color = gold, parametric_surface(cos(a)*(3+b*cos(a/2)), sin(a)*(3+b*cos(a/2)), 5+b*sin(a/2), a,-%pi,%pi,b,-1,1) )$
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