Once you have opened a Maxima session, load package draw and then set global variable draw_renderer to vtk:
load("draw") $ draw_renderer: 'vtk $
To read the documentation on object vector, write the following sentence:
describe(vector) $
Two vectors:
draw3d( color = yellow, head_length = 0.5, line_width = 0.1, vector([0,0,0],[1,0,0]), color = cyan, head_angle = 10, line_width = 0.03, vector([0,1,0],[-3,0,0]))$
Since we are using here option unit_vectors = true, all three vector are plotted with modulus one:
draw3d( color = white, explicit(x^2+y^2, x, -1, 0, y, -1, 1), head_length = 0.3, line_width = 0.01, head_angle = 10, unit_vectors = true, color = yellow, vector([0,0,0],[10,0,0]), color = cyan, vector([0,0,0],[0,7,0]), color = red, vector([0,0,0],[0,0,6]) )$
Two screenshots of a vector field. Function draw3d admits as arguments lists of options and objects:
/* Define vector field */ coord: setify(makelist(k,k,1,5))$ points3d: listify(cartesian_product(coord,coord,coord))$ vf3d(x,y,z):= vector([x,y,z],2*[sin(x),cos(y),log(z)])$ /*list of vector objects*/ vect3: makelist(vf3d(k[1],k[2],k[3]),k,points3d)$ draw3d( [head_length = 0.2, line_width = 0.01, color = cyan, head_angle = 10, unit_vectors = true], vect3)$
A general view:
Zoom is provided by clicking with the mouse right button:
The colored arrows indicate the positive directions of the axes. In this example both the cone and the cylinder point to a common random direction:
d: [random(2.0)-1,random(2.0)-1,random(2.0)-1]$ draw3d( head_length = 0.5, line_width = 0.1, capping = true, axis_3d = false, /* x- axis */ color = red, vector([-8,0,0],[16,0,0]), /* y- axis */ color = green, vector([0,-8,0],[0,16,0]), /* z- axis */ color = blue, vector([0,0,-8],[0,0,16]), color = white, cylinder([0,0,0],0.5,16,d), cone([0,0,0],3,5,d) ) $
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