
Was auf dieser Seite steht, sollte man eigentlich selbst rausbekommen. Aber vielleicht hilft es ja auch, wenn man das Ziel vor Augen hat, den Text besser zu verstehen.

Wenn man das Spiel selbst programmiert hat, ist natürlich die Reihenfolge der Spielzüge bekannt. Mit dem zusätzlichen Kommando casting SPELs (s. Aufgaben) wird die Sache dann auch für den Programmierer etwas spannender.


==> C:/volker/maxima/casting_spels.mc

casting SPELs;

==> have a lot of fun.


==> you are in a beautiful garden. there is a well in front of you. there is a door going east from here. you see a whiskey_bottle on the floor. you see a frog on the floor.

walk east;

==> you are in the living_room of a wizards house. there is a wizard snoring loudly on the couch. there is a door going west from here. there is a stairway going upstairs from here.

walk upstairs;

==> you are in the attic of the wizards house. there is a giant welding torch in the corner. there is a stairway going downstairs from here. you see a bucket on the floor. you see a chain on the floor.

pickup chain;

==> you are now carrying the chain.

pickup bucket;

==> you are now carrying the bucket.

chain weld bucket;

==> the chain is now securely welded to the bucket.

walk downstairs;

==> you are in the living_room of a wizards house. there is a wizard snoring loudly on the couch. there is a door going west from here. there is a stairway going upstairs from here.

walk west;

==> you are in a beautiful garden. there is a well in front of you. there is a door going east from here. you see a whiskey_bottle on the floor. you see a frog on the floor.

bucket dunk well;

==> the bucket is now full of water.

walk east;

==> you are in the living_room of a wizards house. there is a wizard snoring loudly on the couch. there is a door going west from here. there is a stairway going upstairs from here.

bucket splash wizard;

==> the wizard awakens from his slumber and greets you warmly. he hands you the magic low_carb donut - you win! the end.

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